You really must bring your phone and charger, lots of numbers to call (printed data is best where possible), your laptop (there’s WiFi) and your magic sales pants.
I’ve had some interesting conversations this week with people who have told me why they ‘don’t’ come to The Sales Dojo. Here’s the most common four reasons – hope this helps more people decide to come and join us!
“I don’t like organised networking events” – Ok, great! The Sales Dojo is NOT a networking event. Sure, there’s other businesses there drinking tea and talking to each other. If you think they could help you why not pass them a business card? However, The Sales Dojo is a FREE learning and development event for anyone in business or sales. Every two months we invite three industry experts to give a twenty-minute talk each on an area of sales and selling. It could be tips on great questioning skills, how to close deals, mindfulness, cold calling, using social media or handling objections. From Andy Bounds to Nicola Forshaw we ‘ve heard from some leading sales trainers, authors and industry leaders.
“I can’t afford it” – Chill out, again, IT’S FREE! All we ask is you register you’re going on Eventbrite, so we know how many brews to make!
“I’m not a member of Professional Liverpool so I can’t attend” – What? Ok, so Professional Liverpool are awesome and help us promote the event, find amazing venues and work with us to find exciting speakers for everyone to learn from and I’d highly recommend you join Professional Liverpool, but The Sales Dojo is for everyone regardless of what organisations you’re a member of.
“Why is it so early in the morning? I can’t be arsed!” – I’ll answer this in two parts.
1) If you can’t be arsed getting up and investing in yourself, your knowledge and your business then you’re probably not going to like The Sales Dojo anyway, so you keep hitting that snooze button.
2) The goal of The Sales Dojo is to help as many people as possible increase their sales skills, smash their target and buy those shoes! The best way to do this is to be on the phone or out face to face, making sales. So, by 9am we want everyone out there using what they’ve just learnt from three amazing speakers and closing deals, not standing round drinking tea. Therefore, The Sales Dojo is 7am until 9am once every two months.
I hope this helps people who’ve considered coming to The Sales Dojo and not quite made it yet, or helped people change their mind now they know more about this awesome thing we’re doing. Whether you’re in business for yourself or someone else, a CEO, a telesales executive, an MD, a sales manager, a shop owner, a restauranteur, a florist, a printer, a hairdresser, a student or an astronaut; being great at sales makes everything better!
If you want to learn from incredible industry experts all the tricks to selling, building rapport and even feeling incredibly confident then we would love to see you!
Click HERE for our events page and get signed up!